
To get an overview of the text types we translate the most, please see the list below:

Fiction, non-fiction, articles
Contracts, civil law, criminal law, commercial law, certificates, etc.
Manuals, technical documentation, publications of investigations, etc.
Balance sheets, annual accounts, statements, financial articles
Brochures, commercial texts, web sites, etc.
We also offer subtitling, revision and proofreading.
We often use Trados Studio for our translation work. This programme assists us in the consistent use of terminology. It is also a good method for calculating the percentage (if any) of repeated sentences in the source text, which, in time, can generate important discounts for our customers. The source texts can be sent to us as e.g. MS Word, Excel, or PowerPoint files.

We are able to use the programme Catalyst for the translation of software. This programme consists of a system which keeps the individual software strings in logic string groups, and it also ensures a consistent terminology.